Michael Dell to head Bush technology panel
Texas Gov. George W. Bush, front-runner for the Republicanpresidential nomination, said on Wednesday he had set up a panelof high-tech heavyweights to advise him on technology issues duringhis campaign. Michael Dell, founder and chief executive officerof Texas-based Dell Computer Corp. (Nasdaq:DELL), will chair thecommittee, the Bush campaign organization said in a statement.Other members include John Chambers, CEO of Cisco Systems Inc.,(Nasdaq:CSCO) Tom Engibous, CEO of Texas Instruments Inc. (Nyse:TXN)and Robert Herbold, chief operating officer of Microsoft Corp.(Nasdaq:MSFT)
Bush's statement said that as president he would have threemain policy goals in the high-technology field: lifting barriersto innovation, developing a tech-savvy workforce and establishinga stable environment for research and development.
Source: Reuters, 7 July 1999
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