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Apologist One who makes an apology; one who speaks or writes in defense of a faith, a cause, or an institution; especially, one who argues in defense of Christianity. Apostasy 1) The public abandoning of a religious faith, especially Christianity, for another. 2) A similar abandoning of a doctrine or party. [from Latin from Greek apostasia, renunciation] Apostate 1) One who has forsaken the faith, principles, or party, to which he before adhered; esp, one who has forsaken his religion for another; a pervert; a renegade. 2) One who, after having received sacred orders, renounces his clerical profession. |
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Faith disrupts, and where public disruption isn't observable, faith hasn't occurred. If as believers we nevertheless protest that we have faith, we are theologians; if we know how to describe faith, we are poets; if we weep in describing faith, actors. But only as we witness for the truth and against untruth are we actually possessed of faith (adapted from "Luther's Return," Parables of Kierkegaard, 1978).
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...ye shall be witnesses unto me both in
and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost
part of the earth. Acts 1:8
17 Ways No-one Will Go to Heaven A Testimony is nice, but witness the Gospel Jesus Claims to be God (Chart) Breaking Through the 'Relativity Barrier' The Gospel Presented With Definitions (added 4/8/02) In God We Trust! (added 5/23/07) Hospitality Evangelism (added 5/23/07) How To Become A Child Of God How to Preach, Teach, and Witness How to evangelize a friend Personal Aims Prerequisites for Revival (added 10/30/02) Seven Keys Terms to Effective Outreach Speaking to the Hearts and Minds of Unchurched People Ten Questions to Ask to Turn a Conversation Toward the Gospel Terror Evangelism Witnessing to the cultist Witnessing to Jews Witnessing to Liberals Witnessing to New Agers
Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine.
1 Timothy 4:13
24 Hour Days of Genesis 101 Cleared up Contradictions in the Bible Answering Objections Apologetics, Truth, and Humility Can You Spot False Doctrine? Christianity & Liberalism by J. Gresham Machen A Cumulative Case for Christianity Defense of the Christian Faith The Deity of the Holy Spirit The Difference between Evangelicals and Liberals Doctrine Doctrine, Who Needs it? Exposing Error: Is It Worthwhile? History And Faith by J. Gresham Machen How To Try The Spirits Identifying a Cult Into the mind of cult apologists Legalism and the Authority of Scripture Nature of God Online viewable after life study chart Overcoming Objections to Self-determinism (Free-will) Overcoming Arguments for Hard Determinism (predestination). Rightly Interpreting the Bible Scripture Twisting Methods of the Cults Six Enemies Of Apologetic Engagement The Skeletal Basis of Predestination and Freedom (updated 3/1/05) The Trinity Visualized (added 3/17/02) Use of Language in God-Talk (added 2/9/05) Why is Doctrine Important? The Difference of Law and Grace Why is it important for a Christian to use their mind? World Views
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;
but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers,
having itching ears. 2 Timothy 4:3
Why do Christadelphians and JW's discredit the glory that Jesus Christ is due? (7/9/01)
Christian Universalism, All the (((all's))) all covered (updated 10/8/01)
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Reasoning with Jehovah's Witnesses
Who Is Your Mediator? Jehovah's Witnesses and the Name Jehovah Jehovah's Witnesses Kidnapped My Jesus (added 6/13/02) JW Disfellowship Letter (added 6/13/02) JW Primer & Tract The New World Translation
What is up with the Pope's inverted cross (updated 11/7/03)
Catholics take out one of the Ten Commandments! The Differences Between Catholics and Protestants Is There A Purgatory? Interfaith Roads Leading to Rome On Whom Is The Church Founded? Pope John Paul II Rejects Reality of a Literal Hell Roman Catholic Charismatics The Present-Day Official Teachings Of The Roman Catholic Church Thus Saith Vatican Council II
But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine. Titus 1:1
A Parable Advice Brief commentary of James 4:1-8 The Covenantal Structure of the Bible (added 7/20/01) Christian Discipleship and Sin (added 12/29/07)Ephesians 6:10-17: Spiritual Warfare and the Celestial City of God (added 10/30/02) Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (added 1/21/08)
Expository Sermon Philippians 2:5-11 The Function of Faith (added 12/29/02) Future State of the Wicked Habakkuk -An Outline Hebrew Poetry (added 12/24/02) Hell glorifies God How Jesus Displayed God's Love Introduction of Biblical Typology (added 1/2/02) Is there Reality a place called Hell? Jesus Before the Bar: The Trial of Jesus (added 9/27/02) Job -An Outline John 6 Overview (added 12/1/05) Jude, an outline The False teachers of Jude 8-16 (added 12/29/03) Judge not (PDF) The Last Judgment Messianic Prophecies A Model For Christian Maturity (added 12/27/02) Nature and Classifications of Angels New Testament Epistles in Chronological Order Chart The Omnipresence of God in Hell (updated 8/23/01) The Parables of Jesus The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (added 4/8/07) Revelation 20:11-15 (updated 11/7/00) The Risk/Return Ratio of Theological Education Romans 9:30-33 Commentary Thessalonians -An Outline of the Epistles SATAN Is Alive And Well The Serpent of Genesis 3 Seven Qualities Added Onto the Believer After Salvation According to Peter (added 11/14/03) What Does the Bible say about Hell? What Is Hell Like? Why Join a Church? (added 12/21/02) After life Chart (updated 1/5/01)
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil;
that put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes,
and prudent in their own sight! Isaiah 5:20,21
101 Questions for Campbellites Annihilation? Cessation or Continuation of the Spiritual Gifts: Exposition of: 1 Cor 13:8-13 (updated 5/9/01) NEOTHEISM: The Dangers of Making God in Our Image A Response to the 'Gay Christian' Movement Refuting the Doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration "Slain in the Spirit," non-Christian and unbiblical! Speaking in Tongues? (Long version) Speaking in Tongues? (Short Version)
And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars,
be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be;
but the end shall not be yet. Mark 13:7
Are These the Last Days? The Book of Hebrews and the End of the Age The "Coming" of Christ at the Great White Throne Judgment Messianic Eschatology Is there a rapture, and if so, when will it take place? The Hebrew Concept of Time A Liars Revival
Study to shew thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
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For such are false apostles, deceitful workers,
transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed
into an angel of light. 2 Corinthians 11:13-14
Answering the Jesus Seminar (false teachers) Beware of Fakes False teachers Looking at the Toronto Blessing Has Toronto destroyed many past revivals? Rick Joyner: Christian Gnostic Rick Joyner: Christian Gnostic. Part 2: Gnosticism
The Final Quest - A Review and Critique
The Lights The story of a Christian and his motorcycle (added 2/11/02)
"As the navel is set in the centre of the human body, so is the land of Israel the navel of the world... situated in the centre of the world, and Jerusalem in the centre of the land of Israel, and the sanctuary in the centre of Jerusalem, and the holy place in the centre of the sanctuary, and the ark in the centre of the holy place, and the foundation stone before the holy place, because from it the world was founded." Midrash Tanchuma, Qedoshim.
A cornerstone for 3rd Temple? BBC's own expert attacks Jesus series Myths of the Middle East
Have you read the #1 Best Selling Book? History of the English Bible Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy with Exposition Why Do We Need "Thee" and "Thou"? "And These Three Are One" A Case For the Authenticity of 1 John 5:7-8 The "Dake's Bible"
Are we saved by correct doctrine? (added 8/13/01) Can God Create A Rock so big that He cannot move it? (added 3/25/06) Why does God allow evil in the World? (added 6/4/02) Ezekiel's wheels (added 3/3/02) The Most Annoying Arguments Arminians & Calvinists Face From Each Other (added 8/13/01) Predestination and Free Will - Do They Go Together? (updated 5/10/07) Is Regeneration the Work of God? (added 9/28/03) Systematic Theology, the Divine Comedy (6/27/01) What about KJV-onlyism? (added 7/8/02) What is the purpose of grace for people who never believe? (added 1/13/08)
In the Beginning was the Presumption Noah's Ark - A Modern Tale Of Governments and Cows An honest encounter at the door Only my Motorcycling buddies will understand... Overclocked Jesus (added 3/15/02) Ascended Master Jesus (added 10/8/04, 83 MB .mov)
Modern Proverbs -Modern Wisdom.
Eric's Motorcycling Do-It-Yourself Page
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